Managing Damaged Hair

Managing Damaged Hair Rough treatment, the weather, pollution, and daily abuse with curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers are some of the reasons that cause hair to become damaged. So change your hair from damaged to healthy by following our tips Shampoo...

How to Manage Oily Hair

How to Manage Oily Hair Oily hair can be so frustrating. Oil, or sebum, is generally solid at room temperature, but it starts to melt at body temperature. That’s why hair is greasiest at the roots. The solution? Dry Shampoo. Dry shampoo gives your hair much needed oil...

Does A Brazilian Blowout Bring Out Your Colour?

Does A Brazilian Blowout Bring Out Your Colour? Does your hair color need some spicing up? Consider getting a Brazilian Blowout! Why? The Brazilian Blowout solution surrounds each hair shaft with protective protein layers that smooth and flatten the cuticle, improving...