How to Manage Oily Hair

Oily hair can be so frustrating. Oil, or sebum, is generally solid at room temperature, but it starts to melt at body temperature. That’s why hair is greasiest at the roots.

The solution? Dry Shampoo.

Dry shampoo gives your hair much needed oil relief, as well as body, volume, and shine.

But what else can you do to manage those greasy strands? Let us give you some hair care advice:

– Avoid aggressive shampooing. This not only strips your hair of oil, it roughs up your hair’s cuticle layer. Aggressive shampooing causes your hair to create more oil to replace what was stripped. Opt for a gentle cleanser instead.

– Exfoliate your scalp. Use an exfoliating shampoo to flush out dirt and dry skin that clogs your hair pores. This reduces oily build up without stripping your hair and it also increases shine and bounce!

– Add vitamins A & D to your diet. These two vitamins specifically have been shown to reduce the production of sebum. You do need to be careful with the amount, so check with your dermatologist first!

– Styling Products For Oily Hair. Be careful with excessive use of products. Silicone-based products and hydrating masks are excellent hair care products but can weigh down oily hair. Moderation is key!